July 30, 2009

AAMMOM (Asian American Male Moment of the Month) - Phatty's Debut

You may have heard the rumors over the last couple of weeks but now you can see it for yourselves, DJ Phatrick will no longer stay in the background while his darker, better looking music partners get all the glory. On 7/18 at the JACCC Plaza in Little Tokyo, his Phatness took a stand, then took the mic...and reclaimed his marginalized East Asian voice...

July 15, 2009

Screening at New York's Asian American International Film Festival

Song will be playing at the Asian American International Film Festival in New York on July 25th and 26th.

Sat. July 25th - 4:45p
Museum of Chinese in America
*Part of "Life on the Edge" shorts program

Sat. July 26th - 12 noon
Chelsea Cinemas
*Precedes Manilatown is in the Heart: Time Travel with Al Robles