August 11, 2009

Blue Scholars - HI-808 Video

The Scholars just dropped the first video off their new EP scheduled to drop later this month. Besides the fact that one of my favorite groups created an album inspired by one of my favorite places (Hawai'i), this video brings a smile to my face because the Hawai'i premiere/concert of my film A Song For Ourselves is goin down next month! Bambu and Dj Phatrick are already confirmed. Anyone in Hawai'i mark your calenders, it's going down September 24 in Honolulu. More details to come...

August 3, 2009

Arianna Huffington

I'm one of those people who kinda actually really enjoy graduation ceremonies. Maybe because the anxiety that I felt when I was sitting in my own ceremony, is at the same level now some 6 years later. But Arianna is spittin troofs that I really needed to hear.

"I don't see failure as the opposite of success, I see failure as a stepping stone to success."
- Arianna Huffington (wise old white lady)

Bambu's Response to the Phatrick Phenomenon

Bambu's response to the "Introducing MC Phatrick Video"...
