October 21, 2014

Pilgrimage screening at UC Irvine - Oct. 27th

I'll be presenting Pilgrimage at UC Irvine on October 27th at 10:30a. The screening and discussion will take place in Prof. Julie Cho's Asian American Documentary Practices class but is open to the public.

October 20, 2014

Japanese American Historical Society of Southern California's Final Program - Oct. 25

Excited to participate in the Japanese American Historical Society of So. California's last public program on Saturday, October 25th in Torrance, CA. JAHSSC and Iku Kiriyama have been one of the biggest supporters of my films from day one.

The event will focus on "the future of Japanese American community engagement and activism" as different pairs of community members will pose questions to each other. The pairs will be:
Professors Glenn Omatsu & Allan Aquino
Community organizers Kristin Fukushima & Evelyn Yoshimura
Me & my mom Karen Ishizuka

The event is being organized by Traci Akemi Kato-kiriyama and her mom Iku and will be emceed by Sean Miura and Kathy Masaoka.

October 10, 2014

Yuri Kochiyama Tribute Video

I had the honor of creating the tribute video for the Yuri Kochiyama memorials held in Oakland, LA and NY. Family and friends provided the photos and Blue Scholars provided the track. Yuri was a hero of mine and a great family friend, as are all members of the Kochiyama family. Her passion and commitment to the liberation of all peoples continues to inspire my work.