March 3, 2009

Song Gets Write-Up In LA Times!

Photobucket robert ito wrote a really nice article on song that ran in the la times on saturday.
"The film is at turns celebratory and wistful, a paean to Iijima and the L.A. that, despite its rap as a town without a center or a sense of community, nurtured the artist like no other."
read article here
i sat down with robert a couple of weeks ago. being japanese american himself, he really understood the history and significance of the asian american movement and the relevance of chris iijima's story. another reminder why we need more people from our respective communities with access to mainstream media outlets like the times.


Blatina said...

Chris Iijima was my grade school teacher. He had a strong influence on my life and as evident by your film, the lives of many others. I am glad to see that someone has chosen to celebrate his life and his spirit and give him the accolades that he so deserves. I hope that your film receives national attention so that I am able to go see it in my area.

Tadillac said...

thanks blatina!

where do you live?


Rod said...


When are you going to show the film in Hawai‘i?


ReginaY said...

Hi Tad,

You come to UC Davis School of Law last year to screen 'Pilgrimage,' and one of my friends just told me that she saw 'Song' at the SF Asian American Film Festival. I'm looking forward to seeing it in the near future.

Just wanted to drop a line and my support. Cheers!

Tad said...

wadup rod,

we're trying to plan a screening at the UH law school sometime in september.

hope you're doing well!


Tad said...

hey regina,

thanks for the shout! i would love to screen SONG at davis. hopefully i'll get an opportunity to do so in the future.
